Music for January 26 -- Música para el 26 de enero
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720986. All rights reserved.
1. All generations, come forth and receive the blessing of this holy water; making us one with the God who forgives, the one who is faithful and just.
2. Vengan, reciban el agua de paz, revivan su santo bautismo. Dejen atrás los rencores de ayer y vivan la nueva alianza.
3. Deep as the heavens and wide as the sea, your mercy and love have no ending. Guiding our steps in the journey of faith, you show us the way to your kingdom.
Mares profundos que no muestran fin, y estrellas en el firmamento no se comparan al reino de Dios; tan grande es su amor por nosotros.
2. Vengan, reciban el agua de paz, revivan su santo bautismo. Dejen atrás los rencores de ayer y vivan la nueva alianza.
3. Deep as the heavens and wide as the sea, your mercy and love have no ending. Guiding our steps in the journey of faith, you show us the way to your kingdom.
Mares profundos que no muestran fin, y estrellas en el firmamento no se comparan al reino de Dios; tan grande es su amor por nosotros.
A bonus video of the song
Week 2 - Where there is no love
1. El amor es comprensivo. El amor es servicial. El amor no tiene envidia. El amor no busca el mal.
2. For the love of God is understanding, helpful to the end. Love refuses to do evil and is faithful, like a friend.
3. El amor disculpa todo. El amor es caridad. No se alegra de lo injusto. Sólo goza en la verdad.
4. For the love of God is patient, always open, always free. Love gives sight to those in darkness and true hope to those in need.
2. For the love of God is understanding, helpful to the end. Love refuses to do evil and is faithful, like a friend.
3. El amor disculpa todo. El amor es caridad. No se alegra de lo injusto. Sólo goza en la verdad.
4. For the love of God is patient, always open, always free. Love gives sight to those in darkness and true hope to those in need.