Caregivers Group
Holy Family Care Givers - We provide support and information to those caring for a loved one.
Check the latest bulletin for details.
From the cross, Jesus, realizing that his mother Mary would be alone after his death gave her to John,
the beloved disciple, and gave John to her. Jesus asked John to care for his mother and in turn asked
our Blessed Lady to accept care from John. St. John is considered the patron saint of caregivers.
If you are caring for a loved one and are feeling overwhelmed;
If you have questions and concerns;
If you want someone to listen...
You are welcome to attend the Care Giver meetings.
We share, listen, laugh, cry and eat; it's all part of life.
1 Thes 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing"
For additional information please call Judy Coverdale at 914.582.8072.
Click here for the Parish Calendar
Check the latest bulletin for details.
From the cross, Jesus, realizing that his mother Mary would be alone after his death gave her to John,
the beloved disciple, and gave John to her. Jesus asked John to care for his mother and in turn asked
our Blessed Lady to accept care from John. St. John is considered the patron saint of caregivers.
If you are caring for a loved one and are feeling overwhelmed;
If you have questions and concerns;
If you want someone to listen...
You are welcome to attend the Care Giver meetings.
We share, listen, laugh, cry and eat; it's all part of life.
1 Thes 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing"
For additional information please call Judy Coverdale at 914.582.8072.
Click here for the Parish Calendar