Ministers of Hospitality

Children Assistant:
Rosa Obregon
(914) 632-7868
Adult Assistant:
Gary Flynn
(914) 636-3272
This ministry is open to all members of the community either as individuals or in family groupings. Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality greet the people as they enter the church building and help them feel welcome. They take up offerings, distribute Sunday bulletins and other handouts, and assist in clearing the worship space of unnecessary and forgotten articles after the liturgy. They serve at one of the designated times for the liturgy as scheduled.
Rosa Obregon
(914) 632-7868
Adult Assistant:
Gary Flynn
(914) 636-3272
This ministry is open to all members of the community either as individuals or in family groupings. Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality greet the people as they enter the church building and help them feel welcome. They take up offerings, distribute Sunday bulletins and other handouts, and assist in clearing the worship space of unnecessary and forgotten articles after the liturgy. They serve at one of the designated times for the liturgy as scheduled.